I nearly exploded last night while perusing through Facebook during a routine baby-feeding session. I saw a FB post that simply said, “If you picked up Grown Ups 2 on Blu-Ray today, you’re part of the problem.” My blood was filled with the same rage it had when Grown Ups 2 was beating Pacific Rim at the box office. So many self-righteous nerds were using all avenues of social media to tell everyone how stupid you were if you went to see Grown Ups 2 instead of Pacific Rim. How dare that movie do so much better than Pacific Rim? Then they went on to rant that you can’t call yourself a nerd if you don’t support and like Pacific Rim. Blah blah blah.
In my most mature-sounding voice and temperament, fuck you all.
How dare anyone judge anyone for what they like and what they don’t like. We all have different tastes, and that’s what makes human interaction so awesome. If we all liked the same things, this world would be so incredibly boring.
And how dare any of you accuse someone of not being a true fan or a true nerd or whatever because they like or don’t like something? Your opinion, even if it matches what seems to be the majority, is no greater than anyone else’s. Just because you don’t like Call of Duty doesn’t mean everyone else who does is a douchebag. Just because you thought BioShock Infinite was absolutely amazeballs doesn’t mean someone who didn’t like it is a complete idiot.
Is this coming from someone who is on the wrong end of the popular majority more often than not? Yes, absolutely. I thought the Transformers movies by Michael Bay were okay. I don’t hate the fourth Indiana Jones movies. I don’t hate the Star Wars prequels. I did not like BioShock Infinite. I loved Final Fantasy XIII and NIER. I like stupid action movies like White House Down. I liked Dark Knight Rises and Iron Man III.
Oh and here’s the kicker…I like The Big Bang Theory. I like How I Met Your Mother. I also loved the show that is popular to love, Breaking Bad. This doesn’t mean I’m not a nerd, geek, or whatever the chic term is these days. It really makes me wonder with all of this elitism in the world of nerdery if nerds were bullied so much in school that they feel the need to bully other nerds who aren’t as nerdy as they perceive them to be.
We like what we like. We don’t like what we don’t like. And it’s okay. No need to hate on anyone or accuse them of being part of a perceived problem. It is possible to disagree on tastes without insulting the other person. I know this doesn’t exist on the Internet, but I hope that one day it is possible.
I think the only solution is for me to just stay off of social media entirely.
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