I thought for sure, this time would be different. When I had Gabe, it took me well over a year to lose the baby weight and finally keep it off. It took me trying out Weight Watchers Points program and training for a half-marathon for me to finally keep the weight off. This time, I knew it would be different because I was already working out and getting ready for a half-marathon soon after Zack was born. I knew what to do, I could take care of this in a jiffy.
And here I am, 13 months later, weighing the most I have ever weighed in my life when not pregnant, not fitting into my size-up-from-normal pants, not fitting into T-shirts that were loose just months ago, and feeling absolutely miserable. Obviously, what I am doing is not working. I need to retrain myself how to eat proper portions again, I need to work out regularly, and I need to realize that I’m nearing 40 and staying thin isn’t going to be as easy as it was when I was 20.
I’ve gone back on the Weight Watchers Points program, and yeah, I forgot how much that sucks for the first two days. But I’m finally not feeling as hungry as I was at first, and extra fatty foods are slowly starting to appeal to me less and less.
I’m also getting more and more determined to work out more often. After floundering in a 20K over the weekend, I realized that I can and must train at least once a week, and I must make it a priority. I also debated joining a gym for awhile, but after discovering yoga, I think that’s the direction I want to go. I don’t want to build muscle, exactly, I want to tone what I have, slim it down, and get stronger. From talking to a few friends, yoga really develops that core strength that I am looking for. Today, a friend and I are going to check out a local yoga studio, and I’m so pumped about it.
The important thing is, I’ve realized I have a problem, and I’ve realized that what I am doing is not working. I’m sad it took me getting miserable to realize it, but sadly, sometimes it takes that much to push you over the edge.
I never thought I would be a yoga person, but I never thought I would have battles with my weight, either. Getting older ain’t for sissies.
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