If I could have more hours in the day, it wouldn’t be for playing games, as strange as that may sound for me; it would actually be for reading. I miss having a lot of time to read, something I can only half blame on the kids. Well, mostly the youngest, anyway; I could totally read while Gabe is playing Minecraft or Skylanders, but alas, the baby needs slightly more attention than that.
As a way to push myself to read more and clear off the books that keep getting stacked up on my bedside table, I set a commitment in Goodreads to read two books a month. I completed 0 books in January because I suck. I’m halfway through 2 books, but that doesn’t mean anything close to completing said books. Perhaps it would help if I went to bed before midnight each night.
I fell out of loving reading books because I felt like I had to review so many. There was a time (I know, I know, play the tiny violins for me) when I was getting one new book a week to review when I worked at The Daily Crate. That’s enough to burn you out as it is, but when they aren’t books you particularly enjoy either, it makes it worse. It was one thing to review books because I wanted to, it’s another to do so out of obligation. Maybe that makes me spoiled, but eh, that’s how it is. So I sloughed off of reading, even though I had more books to review for TDC.
Now that I’m no longer at TDC, I suddenly really really miss reading and writing about books. I’m weird that way, I admit it. However, if I write about books again, it will only be about books I choose to read, unless I suddenly get paid to review books. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I could barely type that with a straight face.
Wish me luck on my endeavors to be a bit more well rounded in my hobbies. I’m reading a few really good books right now, and I’d love to pick up the pace!
The baby just needs to learn how to entertain himself for at least an hour a day. That’s all it is.
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