I knew it was too early to get excited about Gabe going in the potty on Monday. As of this writing, I am now in possession of all of Gabe's trains and one of his tracks. The kid just flat out doesn't care that he's wet. Or poopy. And he refuses to use the potty. I've tried to force him, but it created a horrible fight that I think no one won. I talked out my frustrations … [Read more...] about Adventures in Potty Training, Days 9-14
Everything Else
End of the Kombo Era (and 5 Years of My Writing Portfolio)
I learned yesterday that Kombo.com, the place that originally got me into writing about video games, has gone offline permanently. Instead, it's an automatic redirect to GameZone.com, and nothing, absolutely nothing from the archives has made it into the GZ archives. On the one hand, I think, "Good riddance." On the other, I realize that five years of my life has been wiped … [Read more...] about End of the Kombo Era (and 5 Years of My Writing Portfolio)
Adventures in Potty Training, Day 8
Success! Yesterday was our first full day of success. It started off with Gabe asking me early on in the morning to go potty. Of course I immediately obliged, and sure enough, he did! The first thing he said when I congratulated him was, "I get Percy back now." And yes, he did get Percy back. It looks like I have found the proper motivator for now, but I know that every … [Read more...] about Adventures in Potty Training, Day 8
Adventures in Potty Training, Days 3-7
We have had virtually no success this week. In fact, things got worse. Gabe went from 0-1 accidents at school to 3 a day. He refused to use the potty all weekend, and I didn't want to force him because everything I've read and heard says that forcing makes things worse. However, I started to notice this morning that he no longer cared when he peed on the floor. When he … [Read more...] about Adventures in Potty Training, Days 3-7
Adventures in Potty Training, Day 2
So apparently Gabe will go potty just fine at school and not at home. I was shocked to pick him up from school today and find him in the same clothes I dropped him off in. Once we get him here, he has accidents. Maybe he just feels more comfortable at home when it comes to peeing on the floor. Which I guess, if he is going to pee on the floor, I'd rather it be at our house than … [Read more...] about Adventures in Potty Training, Day 2